Pendrives are currently the best way to transfer data between two computers. Using pendrives is very easy, just plug it into your computer and transfer your files. You can also hide your important files very easily in windows.
To Hide Your Files/Folders -
- Right Click On The File
- Go to Properties.
- Select the General Tab.
- Check Mark the Hidden option.
- Click Ok.
To View Your Files Again -
- Go to Tools
- Click On Folder Options.
- Click on the View tab.
- Select Show Hidden Files And Folders.
- Click Ok.
But when your Pendrive gets infected with viruses, sometimes the Normal procedure to view the hidden files does not work. What then? The solution to that is what I am going to provide in this post. I am going to do this via CMD (Command Prompt)
Solution -
- Click on Start.
- Select Run.
- Type in cmd and hit Enter.
- Now go to My Computer and see the Drive Letter of your pendrive. Lets say it is D.
- Go back to cmd.
- Type In D: and hit Enter.
- Now type attrib -s -h /s /d *.* and press Enter.
- Wait for sometime then go back to the pendrive. There you go, all your files are again visible! :D
Have A Nice Day!
Follow: http://hackthedevil.blogspot.com/2013/03/recover-hidden-files-from-virus.html