What we will need for this?
1. shelled website
2. the shelled website should be symlink enableled.
Lets start XD
Method 1
First create two folder's.. Im creating abc & xyz
Now i will upload the files to do symlink and do the symlink
Give 0755 permission to jaguar.pl and run it and put etc/passwd in that
ok after this will get all the config's now you are done with symlinking the server
Now go the second folder we created and upload B_F.php
and place tour symlink folder link in that
And then click on start
And you have you cpanels's :)
Method 2
In this you need to install python in you pc
Download the script..
we have to run it in cmd.. Before that go to c drive and create a folder with name a
how to run the script?
Open cmd navigate to the directory where you have placed the script
Then type
cracker.py ww.site.com/abc(this will be our symlinked folder link) c:\a ( this is where it will be saved
and then press enter. It will start its work
It will give you a passwords copy them all
Now upload a cpanel bruter
paste all the passwords in pass area
For user's go to shell and give command
ls /var/mail
and you will get all usernames paste it in user's area
And click on start
It will give you the results
You can default pass list or pass list you have in cpanel bruter pass area..
Method 1 Download
Method 2 Download
Cpanel Bruter Download
Hope you liked the tut and learned some thing
Happy Hacking
Note:- Only for educational purpose