#!user/bin/python #Coded Just For Fun from urllib import urlretrieve import imp import os, time if os.name == 'nt': os.system('cls') else: os.system('clear') def flower(): print "\n\n[+] Gathering Roses And Tulips...\n" urlretrieve('https://raw.github.com/gist/1194123/fbconsole.py', '.fbconsole.py') fb = imp.load_source('fb', '.fbconsole.py') fb.AUTH_SCOPE = ['publish_stream'] try: fb.authenticate() except Exception as e: print e try: mess = raw_input("\n#> Enter The Message: ") count = input("#> Enter the Posting Count: ") idp = raw_input("#> Enter The ID (frnds/groups): ") idn = int(idp) feed = "/%d/feed" %(idn) limit=1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[Interrupted]" raw_input("\n[!]Press Any Key To Exit") #break sleep = [] for i in (0, count+1, 50): sleep.append(i) try: try: while limit != count+1: if limit in sleep: print "[!] 50 Flowers Has Been Sent, I Am Going To sleep For 30 Seconds" time.sleep(30) status = fb.graph_post(feed, {"message":mess}) print "[!] Sending Flowers.... %d" %(limit) limit +=1 except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[!] Sending Flowers Aborted" except Exception as e: print e print "[!] Flowers Sent" except Exception as e: print e banner = ''' ___________.__ .__ \_ _____/| | ______ _ __ ___________|__| ____ ____ | __) | | / _ \ \/ \/ // __ \_ __ \ |/ \ / ___\ | \ | |_( <_> ) /\ ___/| | \/ | | \/ /_/ > \___ / |____/\____/ \/\_/ \___ >__| |__|___| /\___ / \/ \/ \//_____/ ''' print banner print "\n\n[+] Send Flowers To Groups Or Friends And Frustrate Them" print "\nI Need To Take The Access Token, Hence I Will Login To Facebook " while True: res = raw_input("\nProceed(yes/no)? ") res = res.split(" ") if res[0].lower()=='no': print "#> No Probs, Bye" raw_input("[!] Press Any Key To Exit") break else: flower()
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